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Community is not a place…  It’s people.

Co-housers (and Marvel fans) know this to be true.  The coronavirus is bringing us home, reminding the Ralston Creek CoHousers that we have many ways to be in community.  We are expanding the physical distance between us to defeat the virus, but we are hanging together socially.

Person Weight Lifting at the Computer

In April, our community meal will be virtual.  After you celebrate Solar Education week (see Events) by virtually touring a Geos solar townhouse, join us for a virtual meal.

  1. Fix up your favorite meal.
  2. Settle down at the kitchen counter, in the dining room, or on the sofa with the coffee table.
  3. Join the rest of us for a chat. We can introduce ourselves and talk about whatever, the tour, the virus, co-housing, or how it is to have the kids and spouses home all the time.

RSVP to ralstoncreekcoho@gmail.com and we’ll send you the link. If you’re out of the area, this is Mountain Time.

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