Nestled in the Geos Neighborhood of Arvada, CO, where affordable geothermal and solar energy replace all fossil fuels, RCCH is an urban-style cohousing community. Our units will be located in the Gatehouse–a multi-story condominium with studio, one and two bedroom units. Learn more.
Listen to Our Members Share Why They Chose Cohousing
Are you curious why our members are eager to live in cohousing? From coffee chats to dinner in Old Town, from yoga classes to gardening, they are so looking forward to being in community. Would you like to join us?




Why Cohousing?
You’re moving to Colorado where you don’t know anyone but your 30-something children. Since my children migrated to Colorado, the last one 8 years ago, I had always planned to retire there. During my many visits, 3 or 4 times per year, I would daydream about living in Denver. I was leaving my five sisters, many nieces and nephews, a family business, and good friends in Ohio, where I have lived all my life. What was I going to do with myself in a new environment? Where will I live? How will I develop a support group and friends? These are questions I was asking myself, but never spent much time really thinking about the answers. All I knew was that I didn’t want a single family home with a big yard to take care of and where I might be isolated.

We are creating a cohousing community with the value of private homes and the benefit of abundant common amenities, all tied together with a safe and nurturing atmosphere.
Cohousing communities are innovative and sustainable answers to today’s social and environmental challenges. This one sits at the center of a net zero energy, walkable neighborhood with solar energy and pocket parks, right along the Ralston Creek Trail.

Why Do We Want to Move into Cohousing at GEOS?
I will start with why I will move to the GEOS neighborhood. The financial side of this decision is my plan to keep my regular fixed cost of living, such as rent and utilities as low as possible, so I like the idea of paying a little more to purchase a home that generates enough power to eliminate, or drastically reduce my gas and electric bills makes a lot of financial sense to me. The other side is harder to quantify, but I want to have a positive impact on the environment in which we all live. The GEOS community is a way to do well by doing something good.
Why Cohousing?
I am mentally ready to move out of our single family home, and be part of an intentional community. We have guest rooms in our house, that we use on occasion, but most of the time they are empty, or full of our clutter. Those rooms are unused most of the time. The Gatehouse will have two guest rooms that we can use when we need them, but when we don’t need them, others can use them. I want my own kitchen, but I also want to sit down with my neighbors for a shared meal on a regular basis.

Join the Wave! Cohousing has been taking hold all over Colorado, the US, and many other places. You can find out more about it at www.cohousing.org or www.ic.org.